In the early days of the internet, email addresses were added to electronic content (as regular text) so people would know how to contact a person, department, or company. When the ability to link email addresses arrived, many people used the same text for the link text.
Since selecting the link opens an email with the address in the To field, the user usually doesn't need to know the actual email address. (In the occasional case where someone needs the address, they can copy it from the email message or link.)
Best Practices:
- Email links should contain clear text that explains what selecting the link will do - Email the marketing team
- Use the email address in the link code, not as the hyperlink the
user will read and select - it's difficult to read and for people
using screen readers
- Always test email links before publishing them
Tips and tricks:
You can set the content of default fields on the email.
- You can add a subject line to the link, by adding
?subject=Testing a subject line i
nto the link. - You can add body text to the link, by adding
?body=sample message body text i
nto the link.
href="mailto:test@example.com?subject=Sample subject!">Email example team</a>
href="mailto:test@example.com?subject=Sample subject!?body=Body text">Email example team</a>
Note: The user can update these when composing the message