Patricia S. Beach MD and Krystal Revai MD, MPH
Image from U.S. Department of Agriculture
This module is intended for pediatric health professionals, pediatric residents, medical students in pediatrics, and others with a healthy curiosity about the principles of good nutrition during the growing years.
Goals & Objectives
On completion of this module, the user should have a better understanding of the pediatrician's role in promoting good nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
These objectives should be met:
- Develop a basic understanding of the more common principles of pediatric health maintenance.
- Discuss common parental concerns at specific ages, including feeding (nutrition) problems.
- State calories/kg/day needed for normal growth in infants and small children.
- Identify the major differences between human milk and the various commonly available infant formulas.
- Describe the advantages of breastfeeding and recognize potential common difficulties experienced by breastfeeding mothers.
- Recognize factors that contribute to the development of failure to thrive and obesity in childhood.
- Advise families about the dietary prevention and treatment of common pediatric mineral (e.g., iron, fluoride, calcium) and dietary deficiencies.