Free Expression Policy & Event Request Form

woman holding freedom of expression signThe University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) recognizes that the freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly are a central mission to higher education. UTMB is committed to fostering the free exchange of ideas and protecting the rights of freedom of speech, expression, and peaceful assembly set forth in the U. S. Constitution. Additionally, the university maintains its right to establish reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on the expressive activities on UTMB grounds. Click to review UTMB's full policy.


Complete a Freedom of Expression Reservation Form Two Weeks Prior

Reservations are required for some activities to ensure the safety of the participants and those with ordinary business at UTMB. The requesting group must file a Freedom of Expression Reservation Form (below) a minimum of two weeks prior to the proposed dated.


Coordinate the Location & Date

Upon completion and submittal, the form will be routed to the Reservation Committee. This committee will coordinate with the requesting group the location, date based upon information provided and availability. University sponsored activities will have first priority for location, and UTMB reserves the right to relocate expressive activities in the interest of safety and security of all people on UTMB property.


Wait for Confirmation or Denial of Reservation

Approval or denial of a reservation request will be based upon completion of form, timeliness of the request, and availability. The committee will not consider nor base their decision on the content or viewpoint of the expressive activity or the expected reaction of others. The committee will communicate a confirmation or denial of reservation request in writing. Those who receive a denial may file an appeal. Click to review the full policy.

Freedom of Expression Reservation Form

Available times: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Available times: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Contact information of person submitting the request

Any current affiliation with UTMB?

If yes, are you a:

Below are several potential sites for group gatherings. If you have another UTMB site in mind, please describe it under "other," below.

(Use the "Other" option to request space not already listed or at other UTMB campuses or property. Please be as detailed as possible.)

Tell us more about the planned event

Expected attendance
Will you be using amplified sound?
Will you be setting up a display or using any specialized equipment?

If yes, select any items that you plan to bring/install:

Type the word in the image
New code

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